Classic Dodge Truck Parts : Dodge Magnum Headlight Covers.

Classic Dodge Truck Parts : Dodge Magnum Headlight Covers.

Classic Dodge Truck Parts


  • (of a garment or design) Of a simple elegant style not greatly subject to changes in fashion
  • Remarkably and instructively typical
  • authoritative: of recognized authority or excellence; “the definitive work on Greece”; “classical methods of navigation”
  • a creation of the highest excellence
  • an artist who has created classic works
  • Judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind


  • make a sudden movement in a new direction so as to avoid; “The child dodged the teacher’s blow”
  • a quick evasive movement
  • Move quickly to one side or out of the way
  • contrivance: an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade; “his testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track”
  • Avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement
  • Avoid (something) in a cunning or dishonest way


  • A railroad vehicle for carrying freight, esp. a small open one
  • convey (goods etc.) by truck; “truck fresh vegetables across the mountains”
  • A wheeled vehicle, in particular
  • hand truck: a handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top; used to move crates or other heavy objects
  • an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling
  • A large, heavy motor vehicle, used for transporting goods, materials, or troops


  • A component of a machine
  • the local environment; “he hasn’t been seen around these parts in years”
  • An element or constituent that belongs to something and is essential to its nature
  • (part) something determined in relation to something that includes it; “he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself”; “I read a portion of the manuscript”; “the smaller component is hard to reach”; “the animal constituent of plankton”
  • A piece or segment of something such as an object, activity, or period of time, which combined with other pieces makes up the whole
  • (part) separate: go one’s own way; move apart; “The friends separated after the party”
classic dodge truck parts

classic dodge truck parts – Stant 45356

Stant 45356 SuperStat Thermostat – 160 Degrees Fahrenheit
Stant 45356 SuperStat Thermostat - 160 Degrees Fahrenheit
The Stant SuperStat Themostat out performs the Original Equipment themostat. Unlike the OE themostats that continually open and close to achieve the proper operation temperature and flood the engine with coolant, the Stant SuperStat has a patented V-notch, non linear design that reduces cycling by precisely metering the amount of coolant needed. the V-notch provides a small initial flow. As the engine heats up, the V-notches gradually open wider, metering coolant released into the system until the desired engine temperture is reached. The benefits of proper engine temperature control are: efficient engine operation, prolonged engine life, reduced oil consumption, improved fuel economy and improved emmisions. The SuperStat uses a high flow venturi for maximum cooling capacity during high temperature high load operation, and employes a patented Weir Valve, for percision flow metering during cold weather light load operation, to ensure stable temperature control under all conditions.The power element of the SuperStat is comparable to those used in the heavy duty trucking industry. It employs an actuator piston that is 25% larger than our standard themostat and 55% larger than competitive products. This larger heavy piston duty delivers one and one half times as much power as competitive stats for enhanced durability and longer life. The flange on the SuperStat is 33% thicker than our standerd product and 43% thicker than competitor’s themostats for added strength and longer life.The operating spring is 50% stronger than on standard themostats. This helps return the Superstat to the closed position and provent cold running even under the most adverse operating conditions.

Classic Dodge Truck

Classic Dodge Truck
If I had 5Gs right now, I would totally go back to pick-a-part and buy this truck right now…sooo sweet.

1949 Dodge truck

1949 Dodge truck
1949 Dodge truck seen as part of the Wingate Corn Festival Parade in Wingate, Indiana, August 6th, 2011.
classic dodge truck parts